ASHA journals

Using CAC to improve language and literacy (Dunaway & Lewis, 2021)

journal contribution
posted on 2021-11-29, 19:13 authored by Claudia Dunaway, Carlee Lewis
Purpose: This tutorial describes a comprehensive approach to the development of collaborative academic conversations in older students with language delays and impairments. Support materials including a link to an instructional video are provided.
Conclusions: These students require systematic, explicit instruction to develop competence and to acquire the thinking and language skills required to productively engage in a collaborative academic conversation. Speech-language pathologists are uniquely equipped to prepare students for gainful participation and to collaborate with classroom teachers, ensuring transfer of language and thinking skills.

Supplemental Material S1. Instructional approaches and methods.

Supplemental Material S2. Strong words that convey precise emotions.

Supplemental Material S3. Using conjunctions to form complex sentences.

Supplemental Material S4. Narrative text lesson plan.

Supplemental Material S5. Expository text lesson plan.

Supplemental Material S6. How to write measurable CAC goals.

Supplemental Material S7. Documenting language therapy progress in school settings.

Dunaway, C., & Lewis, C. (2021). Using a collaborative academic conversation approach to improve language and literacy. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. Advance online publication.
