ASHA journals

Dual language (Spanish–English) preschoolers (Gusewski & Rojas, 2017)

posted on 2017-07-19, 21:13 authored by Svenja Gusewski, Raúl Rojas
This longitudinal study investigated the emergence of English tense marking in young (Spanish–English) dual language learners (DLLs) over 4 consecutive academic semesters, addressing the need for longitudinal data on typical acquisition trajectories of English in DLL preschoolers.

Supplemental Material S1. Growth curve model parameter estimates: finite verb morphology composite (FVMC).

Supplemental Material S2. Growth curve model parameter estimates: adapted FVMC.

Supplemental Material S3. Growth curve model parameter estimates: productive FVMC.

Supplemental Material S4. Empirical growth plot for individual growth trajectories with fitted regression line and individual growth plots with individually fitted regression lines for the FVMC.

Supplemental Material S5. Empirical growth plot for individual growth trajectories with fitted regression line and individual growth plots with individually fitted regression lines for the adapted (AD) FVMC.

Supplemental Material S6. Empirical growth plot for individual growth trajectories with fitted regression line and individual growth plots with individually fitted regression lines for the productive (PC) FVMC.

Supplemental Material S7. Descriptive statistics: occurrence of individual tense markers.

Gusewski, S., & Rojas, R. (2017). Tense marking in the English narrative retells of dual language preschoolers. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 48, 183–196.


This research has been supported in part by grant GA-2013- 016 funded by the Jerry M. Lewis, M.D. Mental Health Research Foundation (formerly Timberlawn Psychiatric Research Foundation) awarded to Raúl Rojas and by a Graduate Student Scholarship from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation supported by the Kala Singh Memorial Fund awarded to Svenja Gusewski.
