ASHA journals

2018 ASHA Research Symposium: Stephen M. Wilson, Language Mapping in Aphasia

Version 2 2020-01-07, 20:28
Version 1 2019-11-22, 20:31
posted on 2020-01-07, 20:28 authored by Stephen M. Wilson, Dana K. Eriksson, Melodie Yen, Andrew T. Demarco, Sarah M. Schneck, Jillian M. Lucanie
This presentation video is from the Research Symposium at the 2018 annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association held in Boston, MA.

The abstract for the accompanying article is below. This article is part of the JSLHR Forum: Advances in Neuroplasticity Research on Language Recovery in Aphasia.

Purpose: Recovery from aphasia is thought to depend on neural plasticity, that is, functional reorganization of surviving brain regions such that they take on new or expanded roles in language processing. To make progress in characterizing the nature of this process, we need feasible, reliable, and valid methods for identifying language regions of the brain in individuals with aphasia. This article reviews 3 recent studies from our lab in which we have developed and validated several novel functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigms for language mapping in aphasia.
Method: In the 1st study, we investigated the reliability and validity of 4 language mapping paradigms in neurologically normal older adults. In the 2nd study, we developed a novel adaptive semantic matching paradigm and assessed its feasibility, reliability, and validity in individuals with and without aphasia. In the 3rd study, we developed and evaluated 2 additional adaptive paradigms—rhyme judgment and syllable counting—for mapping phonological encoding regions.
Results: We found that the adaptive semantic matching paradigm could be performed by most individuals with aphasia and yielded reliable and valid maps of core perisylvian language regions in each individual participant. The psychometric properties of this paradigm were superior to those of other commonly used paradigms such as narrative comprehension and picture naming. The adaptive rhyme judgment paradigm was capable of identifying fronto-parietal phonological encoding regions in individual participants.
Conclusion: Adaptive language mapping paradigms offer a promising approach for future research on the neural basis of recovery from aphasia.

Wilson, S. M., Eriksson, D. K., Yen, M., Demarco, A. T., Schneck, S. M., & Lucanie, J. M. (2019). Language mapping in aphasia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(11), 3937–3946.


This article stems from the 2018 Research Symposium at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, which was supported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders of the National Institutes of Health under Award R13 DC003383. Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders of the National Institutes of Health under Awards R01 DC013270 and R21 DC016080 to Stephen M. Wilson.
