ASHA journals

Telepractice versus in-person service delivery (Page et al., 2022)

online resource
posted on 2022-11-08, 22:00 authored by Christen Guffey Page, Charles Hughes, Rachel Woody

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare graduate student clinicians’ self-reported perceptions of in-person versus telepractice service delivery based on preparation/training, treatment process, client and clinician engagement, data collection, and client progress.

Method: This study used mixed methodology to answer three research questions: (a) What are the differences between students clinicians’ perceptions pre– and post–in-person and telepractice service delivery, (b) What are the differences between student clinicians’ views of in-person and telepractice service delivery, and (c) How do changes in the pre- and post-surveys represent the student clinicians’ views of in-person versus telepractice service delivery? Graduate students completed pre- and post-surveys and participated in focus groups following 16 weeks of telepractice or in-person service delivery.

Results: Overall, findings revealed more similarities than differences between telepractice and in-person service delivery based on students’ self-report before and after treatment. Similarities included preparation methods, use of evidence-based practice, amount of family involvement, and client progress. Differences included amount of time to prepare for the session, establishing rapport, and collecting data. In the end, participants’ self-efficacy and implementation readiness increased for both service delivery models.

Conclusion: Findings from this study provide a foundation for graduate training by relating telepractice to in-person service delivery models.

Supplemental Material S1. Themes: This document includes each theme and its definition as well as subthemes, codes, and a sample of the data extract that corresponds to each code.

Supplemental Material S2. Similarities and differences: final data analysis comparing telepractice to in-person service delivery.

Page, C. G., Hughes, C., & Woody, R. (2022). Student clinicians’ views of telepractice and in-person service delivery. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. Advance online publication.


Funding from a university-funded scholarship award supported research assistants.
