ASHA journals

Latina mothers’ perspectives of AAC (De Leon et al., 2023)

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posted on 2023-09-05, 21:54 authored by Maria De Leon, Patti Solomon-Rice, Gloria Soto

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of eight Latina mothers on early augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) services for their young children, including their decision-making process, and knowledge of AAC. The ultimate goal is to help professionals develop culturally responsive and family-centered education and training programs to facilitate AAC intervention for Latinx parents with young children who benefit from AAC.

Method: The method involved in-person semistructured interviews conducted in Spanish at the mothers’ homes or preferred locations, which were then videorecorded, transcribed verbatim, and translated to English. Transcripts were analyzed through a process consisting of coding, identifying themes, constructing thematic networks, summarizing thematic networks, and interpreting patterns.

Results: Mothers’ perceptions of early intervention services revealed a lack of knowledge about AAC, unquestioned acceptance of early intervention services, and gratitude for receiving these services. They also reported having received minimal training in AAC and expressed a desire to receive additional training. The decision-making process was matriarchal with professionals serving as the primary informants of services to be received.

Discussion: This investigation adds to the existing literature by providing insight into Latinx parental perceptions of AAC, their decision-making process, and the types of training they prefer. The study highlights the importance of providing Latina mothers with meaningful opportunities to participate in the early intervention process related to the communication and language needs of their children. To establish trust, professionals should communicate clearly, accurately, and straightforwardly. Additionally, a family-centered approach rooted in the language and culture is crucial. Professionals can achieve this by providing culturally and linguistically accessible training, learning about the family’s specific values and beliefs regarding AAC, and facilitating their learning so that AAC is achievable and practical.

Supplemental Material S1. Interview guiding questions.

De Leon, M., Solomon-Rice, P., & Soto, G. (2023). Perspectives and experiences of eight Latina mothers of young children with augmentative and alternative communication needs. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 8(5), 1072–1085.
