ASHA journals

Global rate of post-stroke aphasia (Frederick et al., 2022)

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posted on 2022-09-27, 22:42 authored by Ayanna Frederick, Molly Jacobs, Candice J. Adams-Mitchell, Charles Ellis

Purpose: Aphasia is a devastating communication disorder that negatively impacts an individual’s ability to engage in society. Despite the frequent occurrence after stroke, little is known about the frequency that aphasia occurs worldwide. To date, reports of aphasia have primarily emerged from high-income countries. This review explores the frequency of aphasia worldwide.

Method: An integrative review examined rates of aphasia from 2000 to 2021. We primarily identified stroke studies that reported the number or percentage of participants with aphasia. Secondly, we identified journals that frequently published studies of stroke that included individuals with aphasia. This was supplemented by a country + stroke + aphasia via Google and Google Scholar search to identify those studies primarily focused on stroke outcomes that potentially reported the percentage of individuals with aphasia.

Results: Seventy-five articles from 43 different countries published between 2000 and 2021 reported presence of aphasia in 7%–77% of all individuals with stroke. Rates were similar between high- and middle-income countries; however, no studies were identified from low-income countries.

Conclusions: Rates of reported aphasia are highly variable and likely reflect different diagnostic approaches and timing of identification of the condition. Understanding differences in the presence of aphasia among stroke survivors across countries is critical in the effort to advocate for the resources needed to improve long-term outcomes.

Supplemental Material S1. List of studies and countries used to report rates of aphasia.

Frederick, A., Jacobs, M., Adams-Mitchell, C. J., & Ellis, C. (2022). The global rate of post-stroke aphasia. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. Advance online publication.


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