ASHA journals

Cinderella story retell task in Canadian French (Brisebois et al., 2023)

online resource
posted on 2023-09-27, 23:19 authored by Amélie Brisebois, Simona Maria Brambati, Claudie Jutras, Elizabeth Rochon, Carol Leonard, Anna Zumbansen, Carole Anglade, Karine Marcotte

Purpose: Main concept (MC) analysis is a well-documented method of discourse analysis in adults with and without brain injury. This study aims to develop a MC checklist that is culturally and linguistically adapted for Canadian French speakers and examine its reliability. We also documented microstructural properties and provide a normative reference in persons not brain injured (PNBIs).

Method: Discourse samples from 43 PNBIs were collected. All participants completed the Cinderella story retell task twice. Manual transcription was performed for all samples. The 34 MCs for the Cinderella story retell task were adapted into Canadian French and used to score all transcripts. In addition, microstructural variables were extracted using Computerized Language Analysis (CLAN). Intraclass correlation coefficients were computed to assess interrater reliability for MC codes and microstructural variables. Test–retest reliability was assessed using intraclass correlations, Spearman’s rho correlations, and the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test. Bland–Altman plots were used to examine the agreement of the discourse measures between the two sessions.

Results: The MC checklist for the Cinderella story retell task adapted for Canadian French speakers is provided. Good-to-excellent interrater reliability was obtained for most MC codes; however, reliability ranged from poor to excellent for the “inaccurate and incomplete” code. Microstructural variables demonstrated excellent interrater reliability. Test–retest reliability ranged from poor to excellent for all variables, with the majority falling between moderate and excellent. Bland–Altman plots illustrated the limits of agreement between test and retest.

Conclusions: This study provides the MC checklist for clinicians and researchers working with Canadian French speakers when assessing discourse with the Cinderella story retell task. It also addresses the gap in available psychometric data regarding test–retest reliability in PNBIs.

Supplemental Material S1. Best Practice Guidelines for Reporting Spoken Discourse in Aphasia and Neurogenic Communication Disorders.

Supplemental Material S2. CLAN commands used to extract discourse variables in the transcripts and summary of interrater reliability results.

Supplemental Material S3. MC scoring template.

Supplemental Material S4. Canadian French adaptation of the Main concepts for the Cinderella retell task.

Brisebois, A., Brambati, S. M., Jutras, C., Rochon, E., Leonard, C., Zumbansen, A., Anglade, C., & Marcotte, K. (2023). Adaptation and reliability of the Cinderella story retell task in Canadian French persons without brain injury. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 32(6), 2871–2888.


This project was funded by Heart and Stroke Foundation of Quebec Grants-in-Aid G-16-00014039 and G-19-0026212, awarded to Simona Maria Brambati and Karine Marcotte, respectively. Simona Maria Brambati holds a Career Award from the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé, and Amélie Brisebois holds a scholarship from the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé.
