ASHA journals

Video illustrating the speech recording and cueing procedure (Levy et al., 2017)

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posted on 2017-06-22, 19:53 authored by Erika S. Levy, Younghwa M. Chang, Joséphine A. Ancelle, Megan J. McAuliffe
"This video describes the speech recording procedure for this study. Each child attended a single recording session, conducted in a quiet room. To elicit the changes in speech production, instructions and a combination of visual and verbal cueing were provided as well as prerecorded examples from a model speaker. . . . In completing the stimulus recording, the child sat in front of an experimenter. Before recording began, the child was provided with verbal instructions regarding the procedure and introduced to a mascot—the 'Hawaiian Lion' puppet—who delivered cues and provided a visual reminder of the task instructions. In addition, children were shown further visual reminders: a drawing of a cartoon character with a large, open mouth. Furthermore, to facilitate the children’s understanding of the task requirements and to ensure that a consistent model was provided, we prerecorded a model speaker producing the utterances in habitual, big mouth, and strong voice conditions."

For the entire methodology, please see the original article.

Levy, E. S., Chang, Y. M., Ancelle, J. A., & McAuliffe, M. J. (2017). Acoustic and perceptual consequences of speech cues for children with dysarthria. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60(6S), 1766–1779.
