ASHA journals

Video: Demonstration of the staRt app (McAllister Byun et al., 2017)

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posted on 2017-06-22, 19:54 authored by Tara McAllister Byun, Heather Campbell, Helen Carey, Wendy Liang, Tae Hong Park, Mario Svirsky
"Speech Therapist’s App for /r/ Treatment (staRt) is an iOS app currently in development at New York University (NYU) that aims to increase the number of speech-language pathologists (SLPs) using visual-acoustic biofeedback to augment treatment for residual rhotic errors."

This video (3 min, 47 s) shows the staRt app as well as a demonstration of a clinician using the app with a patient.

McAllister Byun, T., Campbell, H., Carey, H., Liang, W., Park, T. H., & Svirsky, M. (2017). Enhancing intervention for residual rhotic errors via app-delivered biofeedback: A case study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing, 60(6S), 1810–1817.


This project was supported by NIH NIDCD grant R03DC012883 and by funding from the American Speech- Language-Hearing Foundation (Clinical Research Grant), New York University (Research Challenge Fund), and Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development (Technology Award).
