ASHA journals

Simulated laryngeal high-speed videos (Aichinger et al., 2022)

Version 2 2023-09-21, 15:02
Version 1 2022-06-30, 22:26
posted on 2023-09-21, 15:02 authored by Philipp Aichinger, S. Pravin Kumar, Sarah Lehoux, Jan G. Švec

Purpose: Laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy (LHSV) has been recognized as a highly valuable modality for the scientific investigations of vocal fold (VF) vibrations. In contrast to stroboscopic imaging, LHSV enables visualizing aperiodic VF vibrations. However, the technique is less well established in the clinical care of disordered voices, partly because the properties of aperiodic vibration patterns are not yet described comprehensively. To address this, a computer model for simulation of VF vibration patterns observed in a variety of different phonation types is proposed.

Method: A previously published kinematic model of mucosal wave phenomena is generalized to be capable of left–right asymmetry and to simulate endoscopic videos instead of only kymograms of VF vibrations at single sagittal positions. The most influential control parameters are the glottal halfwidths, the oscillation frequencies, the amplitudes, and the phase delays.

Results: The presented videos demonstrate zipper-like vibration, pressed voice, voice onset, constant and time-varying left–right and anterior–posterior phase differences, as well as left–right frequency differences of the VF vibration. Video frames, videokymograms, phonovibrograms, glottal area waveforms, and waveforms of VF contact area relating to electroglottograms are shown, as well as selected kinematic parameters.

Conclusion: The presented videos demonstrate the ability to produce vibration patterns that are similar to those typically seen in endoscopic videos obtained from vocally healthy and dysphonic speakers.

Video V1. Synthetic laryngeal high-speed video showing a zipper-like pattern of vocal fold vibration.

Video V2. Synthetic laryngeal high-speed video showing vocal fold vibration seen in pressed phonation.

Video V3. Synthetic laryngeal high-speed video showing vocal fold vibration of a breathy voice onset transitioning into pressed phonation.

Video V4. Synthetic laryngeal high-speed video showing vocal fold vibrations involving a time-constant left-right phase difference.

Video V5. Synthetic laryngeal high-speed video showing vocal fold vibrations involving a time-constant anterior-posterior phase delay.

Video V6. Synthetic laryngeal high-speed video showing vocal fold vibrations of left right diplophonia, in which the left and the right vocal folds vibrate at different frequencies.

Video V7. Synthetic laryngeal high-speed video showing vocal fold vibration involving jitter that is different for the left and the right vocal fold.

Video V8. Synthetic laryngeal high-speed video showing a vocal fold vibration pattern involving jitter that is different across sagittal positions, but equal for the left and the right vocal folds.

Video V9. Synthetic laryngeal high-speed video showing a vibration pattern involving jitter that is different for the anterior and the posterior end, but also for the left and the right vocal fold.

Aichinger, P., Kumar, S. P., Lehoux, S., & Švec, J. G. (2022). Simulated laryngeal high-speed videos for the study of normal and dysphonic vocal fold vibration. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Advance online publication.


Philipp Aichinger received a grant from the Austrian Science Fund (KLI722-B30). S. Pravin Kumar received a grant from SSN Trust (SSN/IFFP/January2019/1-12/08). Jan G. Švec received support from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TH04010422 “VKG. 3.0”) and a grant from Palacký University in Olomouc (IGA_PrF_2021_017). This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): KLI 722-B30, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic Project No. TH04010422 “VKG 3.0,” and the SSN Trust, SSN/IFFP/January2019/1-12/08. The stipend for doctoral studies of S.L. was provided by the Palacký University Internal Grant IGA_PrF_2021_017.
