ASHA journals

Language input and intake in children with ASD (Arunachalam & Luyster, 2018)

Version 3 2019-10-16, 23:18
Version 2 2019-10-16, 22:36
Version 1 2018-11-09, 22:39
posted on 2019-10-16, 23:18 authored by Sudha Arunachalam, Rhiannon J. Luyster
Purpose: Most children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have below-age lexical knowledge and lexical representation. Our goal is to examine ways in which difficulties with social communication and language processing that are often associated with ASD may constrain these children’s abilities to learn new words and to explore whether minimizing the social communication and processing demands of the learning situation can lead to successful learning.
Method: In this narrative review of recent work on lexical development in ASD, we describe key findings on children’s acquisition of nouns, pronouns, and verbs and outline our research program currently in progress aimed at further elucidating these issues.
Conclusion: Our review of studies that examine lexical development in children with ASD suggests that innovative intervention approaches that take into account both the social communication and processing demands of the learning situation may be particularly beneficial.

Publisher Note: This article is part of the Research Forum: Advances in Autism Research: From Learning Mechanisms to Novel Interventions.

Arunachalam, S., & Luyster, R. J. (2018). Lexical development in young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): How ASD may affect intake from the input. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61(11), 2659–2672.


This article stems from the 2017 Research Symposium at ASHA Convention, which was also supported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders of the National Institutes of Health under Award R13DC003383. Research described in this publication and/or preparation of this article was also supported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders under Award Number K01DC013306 to Sudha Arunachalam, by Autism Speaks Grant 8160 to Sudha Arunachalam, by a Charles H. Hood Foundation Child Health Research Award to Sudha Arunachalam, by an Emerson College Faculty Advancement Fund Grant to Rhiannon Luyster, and by an American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Advancing Academic-Research Careers Award to Rhiannon Luyster.


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