ASHA journals

TBI-QOL Communication short form with children (Cohen et al., 2019)

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-01-29, 14:49 authored by Matthew L. Cohen, David S. Tulsky, Aaron J. Boulton, Pamela A. Kisala, Hilary Bertisch, Keith Owen Yeates, Mark R. Zonfrillo, Dennis R. Durbin, Kenneth M. Jaffe, Nancy Temkin, Jin Wang, Frederick P. Rivara
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the internal consistency and construct validity of the Traumatic Brain Injury Quality of Life Communication Item Bank (TBI-QOL COM) short form as a parent-proxy report measure. The TBI-QOL COM is a patient-reported outcome measure of functional communication originally developed as a self-report measure for adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI), but it may also be valid as a parent-proxy report measure for children who have sustained TBI.
Method: One hundred twenty-nine parent-proxy raters completed the TBI-QOL COM short form 6 months postinjury as a secondary aim of a multisite study of pediatric TBI outcomes. The respondents’ children with TBI were between 8 and 18 years old (Mage = 13.2 years old) at the time of injury, and the proportion of TBI severity mirrored national trends (73% complicated–mild; 27% moderate or severe).
Results: The parent-proxy report version of the TBI-QOL COM displayed strong internal consistency (ordinal α = .93). It also displayed evidence of known-groups validity by virtue of more severe injuries associated with more abnormal scores. The instrument also showed evidence of convergent and discriminant validity by displaying a pattern of correlations with other constructs according to their conceptual relatedness to functional communication.
Conclusions: This preliminary psychometric investigation of the TBI-QOL COM supports the further development of a parent report version of the instrument. Future development of the TBI-QOL COM with this population may include expanding the content of the item bank and developing calibrations specifically for parent-proxy raters.

Supplemental Material S1. Comparison of completers vs. noncompleters at 6 months.

Cohen, M. L., Tulsky, D. S., Boulton, A. J., Kisala, P. A., Kertisch, H., Yeates, K. O., . . . Rivara, F. P. (2019). Reliability and construct validity of the TBI-QOL Communication short form as a parent-proxy report instrument for children with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Advance online publication.


This study was supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Grant U01CE002196, awarded to Frederick Rivera.
