ASHA journals

Development of CIQOL instruments (McRackan et al., 2019)

posted on 2019-09-03, 22:41 authored by Theodore R. McRackan, Brittany N. Hand, Cochlear Implant Quality of Life Development Consortium, Craig A. Velozo, Judy R. Dubno
Purpose: Valid, reliable, and efficient patient-reported outcome measures are needed to quantify quality of life (QOL) outcomes after cochlear implantation to supplement information obtained from performance-based outcomes. We previously developed the Cochlear Implant Quality of Life (CIQOL) item bank to serve as the source of items for subsequent instruments. This study reports the development and psychometric properties for 2 of these new instruments, the CIQOL-35 Profile and the CIQOL-10 Global.
Method: Cochlear implant (CI) users referred from the CIQOL Development Consortium (n = 371), consisting of 20 CI centers across the United States, provided responses to the 81-item CIQOL item bank, which are grouped into 6 QOL domains (communication, emotional, entertainment, environment, listening effort, and social). Responses to the 81 CIQOL items were analyzed using item response theory to determine individual item difficulty, discrimination, and model fit to select the set of items for the profile instrument and global measure that would optimize their measurement characteristics.
Results: The 35-item CIQOL-35 Profile instrument assesses outcomes represented in the 6 domains of the CIQOL final item pool. The 10-item CIQOL-10 Global measure produces a single, overall QOL score. After ensuring the upper and lower ends of the item difficulty continuum were represented (item difficulty range: −2.48 to 2.47), the items with the highest discrimination ability for each domain were selected for the CIQOL-35 Profile instrument (discrimination range: 0.67–1.37). Items were selected for the CIQOL-10 Global measure in a similar manner.
Conclusion: The CIQOL-35 Profile and CIQOL-10 Global instruments provide psychometrically sound and efficient measures that can be used to assess QOL in adult CI users in both clinical and research settings.

Supplemental Material S1. Item parameter estimations and fit statistics for the full CIQOL-item bank for development of the CIQOL-35 Profile instrument.

Supplemental Material S2. Item parameters and fit statistics for the CIQOL-35 Profile instrument for CIQOL-10 Global instrument development.

McRackan, T. R., Hand, B. N., Cochlear Implant Quality of Life Development Consortium, Velozo, C. A., & Dubno, J. R. (2019). Cochlear Implant Quality of Life (CIQOL): Development of a profile instrument (CIQOL-35 Profile) and a global measure (CIQOL-10 Global). Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Advance online publication.


Research reported in this publication was supported by National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Award K23DC016911. This study was supported (in part) by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Grant K23 DC016911, awarded to Theodore R. McRackan. This research was also made possible by funding from a K12 award through the South Carolina Clinical & Translational Research Institute, with an academic home at the Medical University of South Carolina; National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Grant UL1TR001450 (PI: T. R. M.); a grant from the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (PI: T. R. M.); and a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (PI: T. R. M.).
