ASHA journals

CAAST language changes (Bunker et al., 2018)

posted on 2018-03-01, 22:13 authored by Lisa D. Bunker, Sandra Wright, Julie L. Wambaugh
Purpose: Combined Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech Treatment (CAAST) is a newly developed treatment shown to increase production of accurate content in narrative discourse for persons with aphasia and apraxia of speech. The purpose of this post hoc study was to further describe lexical and morphosyntactic changes associated with changes in content production.
Method: Existing probe data from 8 persons with aphasia who had completed CAAST were used to complete analyses of morphosyntactic production, lexical diversity, and novelty of content. Language analyses were completed using discourse samples obtained at numerous pretreatment and posttreatment intervals.
Results: All participants demonstrated gains in morphosyntactic language output for treated items, which extended to untreated sets for 7 participants. All 8 increased in production of novel content. Lexical diversity increases were evident for most participants. Although there were some similarities in language changes, there was substantial variability across response profiles.
Conclusion: CAAST, previously associated with positive treatment effects for production of accurate content, also appears to facilitate acquisition and generalization of morphosyntactic complexity, lexical diversity, and novelty of content for individuals with nonfluent aphasia. Further investigation is needed to determine causality and appropriate clinical application.

Supplemental Material S1. Examples of responses to picture stimuli during probing.

Supplemental Material S2. Quantitative production analysis (QPA) measures by participant.

Supplemental Material S3. Distribution of novel content.

Bunker, L. D., Wright, S., & Wambaugh, J. L. (2018). Language changes following combined aphasia and apraxia of speech treatment. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27(1S), 323–335.


This research was supported by Small Projects in Rehabilitation Research Grant RX001365-0 and Research Career Scientist Award 23727 from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation Research and Development Service (awarded to Julie L. Wambaugh).
