Supplemental material, Pacheco et al., “Joint Profile Characteristics of Long-Latency Transient Evoked and Distortion Otoacoustic Emissions,” AJA, Supplemental Material S2. Python script used in the current study to fit each gain function with the model equation. import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import xlrd # Main fit function # def func(A, G0, Act, alpha): return (G0/((1 + (A/Act))**alpha)) def p_to_dB(p): return 20*np.log10(p/20) def dB_to_p(I): return 20*(10**(I/20)) def main(n): path = 'file_location' data = xlrd.open_workbook(path+'gain_function_data.xlsx') sheet = data.sheet_by_index(3) x, y = [], [] for i in range(16,26): if type(sheet.cell_value(i,n))==float: x.append(sheet.cell_value(i,0)) y.append(sheet.cell_value(i,n)) popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y, bounds=((dB_to_p(-50), dB_to_p(20), 0),(dB_to_p(-10), dB_to_p(65), 5))) y1 = func(x, *popt) # R^2 value for the curve fitting residuals = y - y1 ss_res = np.sum(residuals**2) ss_tot = np.sum((y - np.mean(y))**2) r_squared = 1 - (ss_res / ss_tot) print("R_squared value is: "+str(r_squared)) Peak_str = p_to_dB(popt[0]) # Peak strength in dB Comp_thresh = p_to_dB(popt[1]) # Compression threshold in dB # print("Peak strength, G0 = "+str(Peak_str)+" dB") # print("Compression slope, alpha = "+str(popt[2])) # print("Compression Threshold, Act = "+str(Comp_thresh)+" dB") F = open(path+"\\out.txt", 'a') F.write("\n"+str(Peak_str)+" "+str(Comp_thresh)+" "+str(popt[2])+" "+str(r_squared)) F.close() if __name__ == "__main__": path = "file_location" file = open(path+"\\out.txt", 'w') file.write("Peak_strength Compression_Threshold alpha R_squared") file.close() for i in range(16,21): main(i+1)