Urdu assessment (Roepke & Alvi, 2023)
Purpose: This aim of this tutorial was to review assessment tools for speech-language pathologists working with Urdu speakers in the United States.
Method: We outlined cultural and linguistic considerations for speech-language pathologists to consider when assessing Urdu speakers. We also reviewed available Urdu-language tests for pediatric and adult populations by their assessment area and evaluated whether they had been validated for Urdu speakers.
Results: Speech-language pathologists should consider the impact of cultural and linguistic differences when planning assessment. In particular, many Urdu speakers are Muslim; hence, clinicians unfamiliar with the religion should open communication with clients about assessment preferences. Testing instruments covering the major areas of speech-language pathology are available for Urdu speakers in the United States.
Conclusions: Speech-language pathologists can use the tools presented in this tutorial to evaluate both body impairments for Urdu speakers and the impact on an individual’s participation. A summary of resources for Urdu speakers with links to assessments is provided as a supplemental material.
Supplemental Material S1. Urdu language resources.
Roepke, E., & Alvi, H. (2023). Speech and language assessment for Urdu speakers in the United States. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 9(3), 754–766. https://doi.org/10.1044/2023_PERSP-23-00056
Publisher Note: This tutorial is part of the Forum: Speech and Language Assessment Protocols for Uncommon Languages.