Online unmoderated data collection (Hutto et al., 2023)
Purpose: The purpose of this research note was to examine the sample representation, feasibility and completion, and data quality when using an unmoderated remote study (i.e., conducted without direct contact with a researcher) for a listening comprehension task with 4- to 11-year-old children.
Method: Thirty-five participants met inclusionary criteria for this study. Sample representation was examined descriptively. Feasibility and completion (i.e., submission of parent questionnaires and more than 50% of task with no missing data) were examined descriptively and compared with differences of proportions tests. Data quality (i.e., missing data for items with interference or not codable) was examined descriptively with multilevel logistic regression models, as well as one-sample proportions tests by listening comprehension task and participant characteristics.
Results: Our sample skewed toward predominantly White and toward families with highly educated parents. Overall, most participants completed the task and had quality data (i.e., audibly clear responses that could be coded, few missing responses, and task completion) in this unmoderated format. There were not any statistically significant effects across participant characteristics in terms of rates of completion. Data quality only significantly differed by response type with mouse selection having the least amount of missing data followed by prompted audio-recorded questions and then open-ended audio-recorded questions.
Conclusions: The unmoderated remote study approach seems feasible for a listening comprehension task for most children ages 4–11 years old. Future work is needed to determine if these results apply to samples with broader representation. Overall, we found good data quality despite the less controlled environment in remote studies.
Supplemental Material S1. Sociodemographic question items.
Supplemental Material S2. Listening comprehension task COVID-19 modifications.
Hutto, R., Fleming, K., & Davidson, M. M. (2023). The feasibility and data quality for a listening comprehension task in an unmoderated remote study with children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(7), 2434–2434.