ASHA journals

Inclusive practice and IEPs (Heilmann et al., 2023)

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posted on 2023-11-06, 20:33 authored by John Heilmann, Andrea Bertone, Alyssa Wojtyna

Purpose: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act guidelines for Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) require that students with disabilities should, to the fullest extent appropriate, receive services that promote academic achievement that are delivered within the general educational environment. In this clinical focus article, we will demonstrate how the inclusive practice service delivery model can assist speech-language pathologists (SLPs) with the development of educationally relevant IEPs.

Method: Twelve SLPs who saw at least 30% of their students in a general education context shared their perspectives on inclusive practice. Their responses were transcribed and coded using deductive qualitative analysis. Their insights were combined with relevant literature to demonstrate how inclusive practice promotes educationally relevant IEPs.

Results: We provided practical examples of using curriculum-based assessments and academic standards to gauge students’ present levels of academic and functional performance. We next described how engaging with the school community and observing students in the educational environment assists with determining the effects of a student’s disability on academic achievement and functional performance. We concluded by describing how an inclusive mindset helps to align services to meet students’ needs.

Conclusion: An inclusive framework can help create IEPs that promote students’ access, engagement, and progress in age or grade-level curriculum, instruction, and environments by highlighting the impact of a disability on academic achievement and functional performance.

Supplemental Material S1. Interview script.

Heilmann, J. J., Bertone, A., & Wojtyna, A. (2023). how inclusive practice increases the educational relevance of Individualized Education Programs. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. Advance online publication.

Publisher Note: This article is part of the Forum: Developing and Implementing IEPs for Children with Disabilities in Schools: Current Processes, Models, and Research.


This work was funded by the Researcher–Practitioner Collaboration Grant from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation, awarded to the first and second authors.
