ASHA journals

Pilot parent-mediated behavior strategies (Hampton et al., 2022)

journal contribution
posted on 2022-04-08, 17:04 authored by Lauren H. Hampton, Yael S. Stern, Hannah Fipp-Rosenfield, Karen Bearss, Megan Y. Roberts
Purpose: Parents of children on the autism spectrum enrolled in early intervention often receive coaching to address both social communication and disruptive behavior, which are the two most frequently reported concerns by parents. Intervention techniques for both are often recommended to be implemented across daily routines and require the parents to learn new ways of interacting with their child. A sequential approach to instructing parents in these key intervention targets may reduce burden and increase adherence.
Method: This multiple-baseline design pilot study included three mother–child dyads who received instruction in a disruptive behavior intervention immediately following a social communication intervention. Maternal maintenance of social communication strategies and child disruptive behaviors were measured during probes throughout the study.
Results: Results indicate that although mothers readily learned to implement the techniques, fidelity of implementing social communication strategies declined after introduction of the positive behavior support strategies.
Conclusions: A sequenced approach to parent-mediated intervention is feasible and acceptable. Clinical implications and future directions are discussed.

Supplemental Material S1. The parent fidelity of implementation 20-item rating scale for DB-PCX sessions.

Supplemental Material S2. A copy of the parent satisfaction questionnaire.

Hampton, L. H., Stern, Y. S., Fipp-Rosenfield, H., Bearss, K., & Roberts, M. Y. (2022). Parent-implemented positive behavior support strategies for young children on the autism spectrum: A pilot investigation. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Advance online publication.


This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health (R01DC014709) awarded to Megan Y. Roberts.
