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Combined memory training for TBI (D’Angelo et al., 2021)

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-25, 20:29 authored by Elisabeth Cochran D’Angelo, Beth A. Ober, Gregory K. Shenaut
Purpose: The study aimed to test a combination of semantic memory and traditional episodic memory therapies on episodic memory deficits in adults with traumatic brain injury.
Method: Twenty-five participants who had been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and had episodic memory deficits were randomly assigned either to a combined memory treatment group (n = 16) or to a wait-list control group (n = 9). Before and after treatment, they completed standardized neuropsychological testing for episodic memory and related cognitive domains, including the California Verbal Learning Test–Second Edition, the Controlled Oral Word Association Test, the University of Southern California Repeatable Episodic Memory Test, the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence–Second Edition Matrices, the Test of Everyday Attention, the Memory Assessment Clinics Self-Rating Scale, the Expressive Vocabulary Test–Second Edition, and the Story Recall subtest from the Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test. In addition to a traditional episodic memory therapy, the treatment group received a novel semantic memory–focused therapy, which involved participants finding meaningful connections between diverse concepts represented by sets of two or three words.
Results: The treatment group demonstrated statistically significant improvement in memory for list learning tasks, and there was a significant difference from pretest to posttest between the treatment group and the wait-list control group. Clinical significance was demonstrated for the treatment group using minimally important difference calculations.
Conclusion: Combined memory therapy resulted in significant improvements in episodic memory, semantic memory, and attention, in comparison to no treatment.

Supplemental Material S1. Time-ordered session treatment plan.

D'Angelo, E. C., Ober, B. A., & Shenaut, G. K. (2021). Combined memory training: An approach for episodic memory deficits in traumatic brain injury. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. Advance online publication.

Publisher Note: This article is part of the Special Issue: Select Papers From the International Cognitive-Communication Disorders Conference.


Funding was provided to the primary investigator by the Sacramento State Research and Creative Activity Faculty Awards Program.
