ASHA journals

Primary study reporting for meta-analysis (Chow et al., 2023)

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posted on 2023-06-01, 22:02 authored by Jason C. Chow, Micheal Sandbank, Lauren H. Hampton

Meta-analyses can be used to comprehensively summarize the state of a given literature base, understand development and relations between constructs, and synthesize intervention effects to identify “what works for whom,” all of which can directly inform research, practice, and policy. In this tutorial, we first argue that data reporting in primary studies can meaningfully affect the results of meta-analyses and, most importantly, the subsequent interpretations and use of the findings in research, practice, and policy in speech, language, and hearing sciences. Though reporting guidelines have been well established for the results of meta-analyses, there is limited focus on the essentials for primary study reporting that allow for inclusion in meta-analyses. To this end, we provide guidance for primary study authors to ensure their studies can maximize their contributions to research syntheses and, specifically, to meta-analyses. We discuss current and ongoing issues related to reporting, provide data-based examples of instances where lack of reporting or transparency has rendered a study ineligible from inclusion in a meta-analysis, encourage editorial teams and peer reviewers to be flexible in the inclusion of supplemental data reporting based on journal requirements and limits, and suggest being explicit and earnest about why these requests are important to advancing the field.

Supplemental Material S1. An example manuscript demonstrating reporting guidelines: Implementation of Table 1.

Chow, J. C., Sandbank, M., & Hampton, L. H. (2023). Guidance for increasing primary study inclusion and the usability of data in meta-analysis: A reporting tutorial. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(6), 1899–1907.

Publisher Note: This article is part of the Forum: Promoting Reproducibility for the Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences.
