ASHA journals

Sentence verification task for cochlear implants (Patel et al., 2023)

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posted on 2023-09-18, 13:36 authored by Tirth R. Patel, Aaron C. Moberly, Terrin N. Tamati

Purpose: Tests measuring speech comprehension and listening effort for cochlear implant (CI) users may reflect important aspects of real-world speech communication. In this study, we describe the development of a multiple-talker, English-language sentence verification task (SVT) for use in adult CI users to measure speech comprehension and listening effort. We also examine whether talker differences affect speech comprehension and listening effort.

Method: Thirteen experienced adult CI users participated in the study and underwent testing using a newly developed multiple-talker SVT. Participants were sequentially presented with audio recordings of unique sentences spoken in English by six different talkers. Participants classified each sentence as either true or false. Accuracy of classification and the response time (RT) for correct responses were used as measures of comprehension and listening effort, respectively. The effect of talker on the results was further analyzed.

Results: All 13 participants successfully completed the SVT. The mean verification accuracy for participants was 87.2% ± 8.8%. The mean RT for correct responses across participants was 1,050 ms ± 391 ms. When stratified by talker, verification accuracy ranged from 83.7% to 95.2% and mean RTs across participant ranged from 786 ms to 1,254 ms. Talker did not have a significant effect on sentence classification accuracy, but it did have a significant effect on RTs (p < .001).

Conclusions: The SVT is an easily implemented test that can assess speech comprehension and listening effort simultaneously. CI users may experience increased effort for comprehending certain talkers’ speech, despite showing similar levels of comprehension accuracy.

Supplemental Material S1. List of all 48 sentences used in the SVT. Sentence classification accuracy in the pilot testing performed with NH participants in both quiet and vocoder conditions is listed. The talker who produced each sentence for the main experiment along with accuracy achieved by the CI users in the main experiment for each sentence are also listed.

Patel, T. R., Moberly, A. C., & Tamati, T. N. (2023). Development of a sentence verification task to measure speech comprehension and listening effort in cochlear implant users. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(10), 4150–4159.


This work was supported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) R21DC019382 awarded to Terrin N. Tamati, as well as NIDCD R01DC019088 awarded to Aaron C. Moberly.


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    Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research



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