ASHA journals

Reporting of morphological awareness instruction (Passaretti et al., 2023)

posted on 2023-02-20, 21:48 authored by Basiliki Passaretti, Lyn S. Turkstra, Tiffany Gallagher, Annie Jiang, Peter Cahill, Wenonah Campbell

Purpose: The purpose of this scoping review was to document how the literature reports morphological awareness instruction and interventions delivered by speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and/or educators in classroom settings for kindergarten to Grade 3 students.

Method: We followed the Joanna Briggs Institute’s methodology for scoping reviews and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews reporting guidelines. Six relevant databases were searched systematically with article screening and selection completed by two reviewers calibrated for reliability. For data charting, one reviewer extracted content and a second reviewer verified it was pertinent to the review question. Charting for the reported elements of morphological awareness instruction and interventions was guided by the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System.

Results: The database search yielded 4,492 records. After removal of duplicates and screening, 47 articles were selected for inclusion. Interrater reliability for source selection exceeded the pre-established criterion of k = .61. Our analysis generated a comprehensive description of the elements of morphological awareness instruction as reported in the included articles.

Conclusions: Our findings provide school-based SLPs and educators a systematic means of reviewing the literature to identify key elements of morphological awareness instruction in published articles for application of evidence-based practices with fidelity, thus helping to close the research-to-practice gap. Our manifest content analysis revealed reporting of the elements for classroom-based morphological awareness instruction was varied, and in some cases, underspecified in the articles included in our study. Implications for clinical practice and future research to advance knowledge and promote implementation of evidence-based practices by SLPs and educators in today’s classrooms are discussed.

Supplemental Material S1. Search strategy: terms used to search the six electronic databases.

Supplemental Material S2. Eligibility criteria for full-text review.

Supplemental Material S3. Data charting form.

Supplemental Material S4. Study characteristics, aim, model of service delivery, and characteristics of intended/actual participants.

Supplemental Material S5. RTSS elements charted for morphological awareness instruction. 

Passaretti, B., Turkstra, L. S., Gallagher, T., Jiang, A., Cahill, P., & Campbell, W. (2023). Reporting of classroom-based morphological awareness instruction and intervention for kindergarten to Grade 3 students in the literature: A scoping review. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 54(2), 648–669.


This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Financial support from the John and Margaret Lillie Chair in Childhood Disability Research was received for the time provided by W.C., A.J., and P.C.
